In a world where justification is needed for the everyday actions of every single person, documentation is an inherent need. Every thing moves so fast, and everything bleeds together like clouds in a windy sky; memories fade and prompting is needed just to remember such things as a phone number or the color of your eyes. People leave and everything is left to drown in the morass of everyday banality. 

Is a life extraordinary? Is a life banal? If one's life is not documented in any way, how can you tell. Who will remember it, banal or not. Or should it even be remembered? How many times will a person say 'I AM HERE' to a multitude, only to have the retort of needing proof.


KNM 12.25.00
meg, christmas 2000. rachel & chachi, december 2000
backyard, november 2000
flaming hack, december 5th, 2000
statue worship, december 5th, 2000
before, after, aftermath (note: Ian is wearing a Britney Spears watch), november 6th, 2000.
ian, december 2000